
Showing posts from 2013

Then & Now

Some things you carry with you throughout life... like an everlasting appreciation for striped shirts and checkered pants.

That Guy

So I figured out which modern neighborhood archetype I am: You know the guy who takes out the entire neighborhood's cable service? I did it with the mower.


I have an idea for a Dystopian SciFi novel: In the future all computers are permanently connected to the internet, and all applications and data is stored online. An underground movement begins salvaging 386s and 486s and manually trade floppy disks to fuel their resistance. This leads to a government crack down with dramatic scenes of guys in silver swat uniforms destroying old Compaqs.

25 Day Bug

Fixed a rare and elusive bug that occurs when a computer has not rebooted in exactly 25 days. Overall impact may be low, but knowledge gained and gratification are anything but...


Work Experience vs Professional Experience

Let's Clear Up The Ambiguity!

FAQs for a Software Engineering Hiring Manager

7 Steps to Writing an Amazing Resume

7 Steps to Building your Portfolio MVP