
Showing posts from 2003

HTML Desktop

Many apologies for this one coming in a little late...but anyway... So I woke up, went out with the family. We went out by the ocean, it was a great fun. It's so amazingly nice here in Vancouver...but Toronto's where my college and grown up life are happening. Anyway, then we came back and went to Edgemont Village for a while. Edgemont village is just this small village in North Vancouver, with coffee shops, pastry shops, chocolate shops and the like. A nice place. After that we came home and had supper, and then we started to play cards. I taught my family how to play some fun card games. While doing all that, I reprogrammed my desktop so it no longer has the traditional Windows look...but some crazy-cool-backoff-I'm-a-computer-geek feel to it. Here's what it looks like. Particularly proud of how MSN Messenger and ICQ show up.

Exams & Dreaming

Image I went to school on Monday, stayed till Wednesday night. I was really really sick on Monday and Tuesday, and stayed up all night studying for my Oscillations and Waves exam, which really didn't help the cold. The exam was pretty rough. It wasn't too difficult, but it covered so much material that it was difficult to prepare. And being that I was sick, and awake for about 40 hours before that, I fell asleep a few times during the exam. Lately I've had a weird problem melding dreams and reality. I'll weirdly incorporating my dreams into the real world in ways I didn't think possible. Sometimes, if I'm hanging out with friends late at night, I'll fall asleep midsentence 'cause I'm so tired. And while asleep, I'll keep talking while dreaming. Apparently I've said such things as "And I really don't trust someone who's full of coffee." But sure... Plenty people talk in their sleep... But how about writing in your sle

Whiteout and Formulas

Overwhelmed with exhaustion and tirededededness, I slept in on this wonderful winter morn'. It was actually a very nice day out. The sun was up, the sky was blue. It was beautiful and so were you. I made it to school by 11:30 and had to buy a new pen. My current own is out of ink. In the end, I bought 6 pens and whiteout. Came to $14. Whiteout is so expensive these days. I guess with the increasing number of people using computers, whiteout has become somewhat of a novelty item. Which brings up the issue of the people in my lectures who write their notes on their laptops in physics classes?!? I'd understand if you're in a PoliSci, English Lit, philosophy, history course, or any course that's a straight lecture... More words than formulas, diagrams, etc. But when you're dealing with lambdas, thetas aplenty, a phi, a psi, a gamma...and equation after equation... how can you be using a laptop? I'm impressed with whoever is pulling it off... But for me, I'm all

Fog and Blogg

I've decided to start my own little weblog of my life... The reason...I'm not sure. They're a new concept, and I'm just part of the modern era. I'm going to keep this page extra simple, because I feel my life is adventurous enough and it doesn't need to be spiffied up with a bunch of fancy shmancy images and animations. I've got a Multivariable Calculus test coming up on Thursday. Not looking forward to it. Maybe that's why I'm building a website instead. I've been studying all day, and need a break. Plus it's 11pm, so I'm about to get to bed. It's been an uneventful day... I did go out and get a cup of coffee. There was a lot of fog out, and I could barely see. There's nothing better than a coffee when you're frozen.


Let's Clear Up The Ambiguity!

Work Experience vs Professional Experience

FAQs for a Software Engineering Hiring Manager

7 Steps to Writing an Amazing Resume

7 Steps to Building your Portfolio MVP