
Showing posts from January, 2025

The not-so-interesting-man-in-the-world says...

The not-so-interesting-man-in-the-world says... If you've been following taylor desseyn and I, you'll remember we used to have more regular live streams where we review resumes and do mock-interviews in a live stream, offering our honest feedback. Excited to share we're back at it again tomorrow! Hope you can join us! 📆 Friday, January 31st ⌚ 2PM EST Sign up here


After watching the Barbie movie on a flight and being brought to tears (honest question: does anyone else get more emotional on flights?) I remembered how I always felt Barbie's dad, George, is my celebrity-look-alike. Maybe I'll get cast as him if there's a sequel? Not sure if I'm Kenough - but I am Georgequate.

Giving credit where credit is due

Whether it's your resume, LinkedIn profile, annual review we often face the simple question: how much credit should we get for our team/group/org/company achieving something. Maybe it was a huge revenue win, a massive cost savings, a substantial improvement to some KPIs, an industry award. Simple answer: you should take (some) credit. At the very least, more than none. I say this because too often we're more comfortable diminishing our contributions than we are with the feeling that we've received undue credit. But regardless of your role, if you were there to see it happen, you contributed (sometimes in less tangible ways) towards the achievement. And - more importantly - you likely witnessed some of the work that went into it, the decisions that were made, the impact felt before, during and after. And that makes you and your experience valuable. And if for some reason you were completely out of the loop - you should get right away to asking others about it. It...

The Last Minute

"If it weren't for the last minute, I'd get nothing done." Those are words I live by, though they're not my own. They were written years ago by my amazing (now gone) oldest brother. When I think back on my best projects, products, presentations they've all been the result of the last minute. It's not to say I'm a procrastinator, disorganized, or don't plan. I just know that, without that last minute, I'd never reach done (or as some people call it " done-done ".) Lin-Manuel Miranda once described his own creative process - intentionally taking time away from what he's working on, giving himself time to daydream, to do anything but the thing he's supposed to be doing. It's part of the process. It gives the idea room to breathe, to germinate and grow and become something it never could be if it were constrained by your constant attention. None of this is to say planning, preparation and pre-work are a waste of time. You need...

There will be more (again...)

My little lovely turns 10 today ... Reposting something I wrote almost a decade ago in honor of her. Slight spoiler: Yes. There have been more. Ma ny, many more. The love of adventuring was instilled in me at a very young age: walking through thunderstorms and down pours with my brothers, sneaking through office buildings with my Dad (and even getting kicked out by a security officer!) This carried on through highschool (with my best pal Andy) and later in college with co-adventurers Alex & Kieran. Yesterday, I went for a walk with my daughter (she was strapped to me, facing outwards, in the Baby Bjorn.) It was a bright, hot and sunny evening. As we rounded the neighborhood block what started as a puffy cloud became an ominous gray rain cloud. Being already past the point of no return, I knew I had to double time it before it started raining. (This was partly my decision, but mostly a decision my wife had made on my behalf and had called to inform me of.) As I neared the final bend...

5 Tips for Building a Better Network

I was thinking about a lot of the connection requests I get. All too often it's an impersonal message asking for something - a referral, to be a reference. As a principle, I only do this for people I know well and who have a good track record. But this made me think... how do I go about building my network? With that, here are 5 tips on how to build a better network. 1. Start early, before needing to make an ask, by engaging in their posts. 2. Make it about them, not your ask. 3. Create a conversation that is specific about them and their insights. 4. Feed their ego in specific and authentic ways. 5. Give them something of yours they can react to: share code, projects, whatever it may be and ask for their advice. Then, after enough time has passed and you've built a good reputation, make your ask. This takes time... hence, repeating #1: Start early. I'll also add ... My little "networking menu" is more of a guide than a guarantee. Those times are also best case sc...


Work Experience vs Professional Experience

Let's Clear Up The Ambiguity!

FAQs for a Software Engineering Hiring Manager

7 Steps to Writing an Amazing Resume

7 Steps to Building your Portfolio MVP