The tough thing about entertainment sites

Site's improved. Added info about games. Border improved. Background loading worked on. Got rid of white background that showed up when new page loaded. Added new links, spruced up page, added a few little, but nice, touches. Still looking for a better guestbook provider, one that will actually work properly.

Also looking for new games, and new jokes. It's getting rather tough to update this site often, now that school's become more busy. But I will always find the time to work on this site, as it is probably the best site that I have made. This site is 10x better then Coffee Break, and 100x better then Spiderboy. Now, I just have to hope that it hits in big.

That's the tough thing about Entertainment sites. There's so much competition out there, that it's very hard to get ahead, or even close to the head. There's so much to do. Maybe I should add electronic cards, so that people can send their friends e-cards. That will be a good feature. Well, I'll be getting to work on that, I guess. So, things I will be working on for a while (meaning that I will be updating the site even less) are: 1. I'll be working on getting a greeting card section, to send to your friend by e-mail. 2. I'll be working on a better main page, after you opened up the site window. 3. I have to make a banner, so I can begin trading banners. 4. I'll be adding new games. 5. I'll try to add a download section, where you can download some games onto your computer.

So it'll be a while until I get back to work on the site itself, because I'm working on so many additions. I hope everyone will forgive me. And remember, it's an Otiose World! Now, all I've got to do is upload all these pages onto the server, so that people can view my updates. That is to say...if people are visiting this site. I should add a counter! Wonderful, now I've got another thing to add to my 'to-do' list. Well, I better get working on it.


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