Frosh Week & Senior Year

So much time has passed since my last entry, and so much has happened. Frosh week came and went, and was an absolute blast. It had it's ups and downs of course, but was always amazingly fun. I met a lot of the froshies - some were pretty cool and interesting people.
One key moment was giving a campus tour. I completely diverged from the route and gave what I considered a more relevant tour. I took them to the best places for coffee, pizza, best places to focus, secret spots. We were gone for longer than we were supposed to, and I was worried people would be annoyed - but they gave me a round of applause and were still talking about the places I took them long after we'd returned. So that was cool.
After frosh week classes started. I really like a lot of my classes. I'm a little daunted by the number of essays, and written work, as well as the required reading but so far I've been keeping up. This weekend I may just try and pull ahead a little, so I won't fall behind in any of the readings.