BattleSnake Competition

I recently posted about my BattleSnake coding challenge for my developers. Each developer had to write an algorithm to control a snake in the classic video game. Jasmin Baniya's algorithm came out on top for being both aggressive and analytical.

She was up against some really strong contenders like Daniel Mendek's snake which had strong object detection, favored open spaces, and otherwise moved in semi-random directions. It was exciting watching the strategies play out. You can watch it below:

When I told my almost-5 year old daughter about how Jasmin won she was ecstatic and drew a picture for Jasmin to say congratulations.

If you follow Girls Who Code, Microsoft's Girls in STEM program, or seen Cognizant's recent milestone of employing more than 100k women, you'll understand why I'm excited that my daughter is not growing up thinking computers or science is "just for boys" and that she has so many amazing every day role models to look to.


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