Bad Goals are Indistinguishable from Numbers
When it comes to S.M.A.R.T goals, the best thing I've read was: "Bad goals are indistinguishable from numbers."
The writer goes on to explain how goals should state where you are today, your current rate/velocity, your target and when you will hit it.
Bad goals: "Get backlog below 20 items by the end of the month." / "Decrease backlog by 50% by end of month," / "Get velocity up to 6 items per week by month end"
Good goal: "Current backlog is at 52, with velocity of 7 items items per week. By month end, we will get the backlog under 20 items, by increasing velocity to 9 items per week."
Personally, I think it's even better to briefly cover how you will get there:
"Current backlog is at 52, with velocity of 7 items items per week. By month end, we will get the backlog under 20 items, by increasing velocity to 9 items per week. We'll achieve this by reducing unnecessary meetings and setting up office hours to reduce distractions."