
Showing posts from October, 2024

Driving Chocolates

They say an important part of any fitness regimen is your diet. With this in mind, I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that "Driving Chocolates" are not "a thing" and just something I invented as a feeble way to dignify my habit of stashing chocolates in the glovebox so I can have something to snack on when I'm on the road. That being said "Pocket Chocolates" are still very much a thing - and fun fact: you can have pocket chocolates while driving. 

New Music Keeps Me Young

Sitting near someone who doesn't realize their laptop is no longer connected to their bluetooth headphones, and they're now blasting music out loud. But I'm not mad. hashtag#IfItsTooLoudYoureTooOld Given they're ~15 years younger than me, I'm being introduced to some good stuff that the algorithms don't bother serving me since I've aged into a new demographic. Already adding a few songs to my rotation.  Now - the question is, do I make him dislike his stuff by giving it my Old-Person™ approval and saying "This stuff is great!" or do I validate his sense of unique generational identity by giving him the ol' stern "Tsk tsk tsk" ?

"Your app makes me fat" by Kathy Sierra

"Your app makes me fat" - by Kathy Sierra  is one of my favorite articles. Sometime mid-2023  her site, Serious Pony, went down and the article is no longer available. I was able to retrieve it on the Wayback Machine , but since I reference it often I wanted to also preserve it here. All the brilliant credit goes to Kathy - you can support her by checking out her book:  Badass: Making Users Awesome Your app makes me fat By Kathy Sierra Originally published: July 24, 2013 In 1999, Professor Baba Shiv (currently at Stanford) and his co-author Alex Fedorikhin did a simple experiment on 165 grad students.They asked half to memorize a seven-digit number and the other half to memorize a two-digit number. After completing the memorization task, participants were told the experiment was over, and then offered a snack choice of either chocolate cake or a fruit bowl. The participants who memorized the seven-digit number were nearly 50% more likely than the other group to choose c...


Work Experience vs Professional Experience

Let's Clear Up The Ambiguity!

FAQs for a Software Engineering Hiring Manager

7 Steps to Writing an Amazing Resume

7 Steps to Building your Portfolio MVP