My (Old) Portfolio

I came across an old portfolio I'd made 16 years ago, shortly around the time I was graduating college and began to look for #work.

Looking back on this portfolio, it breaks a lot of the guidance I give today. It was made in Flash and the design was...well...judge for yourself. My pricing for building #websites was crazy (I was hungry for experience at the time). It wasn't a bad start - but it was largely #directionless. It didn't showcase my abilities, and it didn't know it's audience. This is why I like to create content around #resumes and #portfolios. I learned the hard way (many times over!) but eventually got there and found my footing. We all start somewhere.


Let's Clear Up The Ambiguity!

Work Experience vs Professional Experience

FAQs for a Software Engineering Hiring Manager

7 Steps to Writing an Amazing Resume

7 Steps to Building your Portfolio MVP